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Global Enterprises - Services

International Business Consultancy:

  • offers technical and operational support in order to improve the feasibility of the commercialization of products abroad.
  • evaluates products and/or services with which the company has better conditions to compete – e.g. more competitive pricing, faster international services and international quality.
  • analyses product restrictions in the market, technical specifications, product adjustment according to the standards used in each market according to the customer needs.

Sales Representative

  • performs mediation within international business sales.
  • maintains foreign contacts abroad.
  • understands the demands for commercialization, such as: distribution channels, distributors, stores, exclusivity, promotional support.

Trading Company

  • offers documentation, operational services and logistics in the export and import sector.
  • evaluates the best methods to export and to import, whether directly or through Global Enterprises.
  • provides all the export and import documentation papers
